CCPA – What to Expect

As the California Consumer Privacy Act takes effect on January 1, 2020, the broadly worded law will have many wondering what this means in terms of compliance and enforcement. 

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CCPA – What to Expect

Webinar | December 12, 2019 | 2.00-3.00pm EST

The California Consumer Privacy Act takes effect on January 1, 2020. The broadly worded law will have many wondering what this means in terms of compliance and enforcement. The most comprehensive data-protection law yet passed in the United States may just be the start, as many other states, and the federal government, look to enact similar legislation. For California, too, CCPA may just be the first step — a political campaign is already under way by Alastair Mactaggart, the driving force behind the law, to strengthen it.

So what are the implications for companies aiming to comply with CCPA by January? What does MLex foresee in terms of enforcement and expansion?


So, what does this mean for companies aiming to comply with CCPA by January? What does MLex foresee in terms of enforcement and expansion?

Register for our webinar: CCPA – What to Expect, to learn more about:

  • Why companies are struggling to prepare for CCPA compliance, especially those in Asia who have large operations in California;
  • Why some predict a large avalanche of class action lawsuits on January 2, the day after the law takes effect;
  • What Washington is working on related to a federal data protection law for the US;
  • How will CCPA be enforced, and by whom.

Mike Swift

Mike Swift

Chief Global Digital Risk Correspondent, MLex

Amy Miller

Senior Correspondent, Data Privacy & Security, MLex



Don't forget to register for the webinar today.